Thursday, May 15, 2008


If you know what the term above means, or where it came from then you are my kind of person, or at least we grew up in the same generation. Any guesses out there in Blog-O-Readeramia? If you can't tell, I am fishing for comments. I know that is some people out there that have something to say, so say it already.

Political Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw today a video on youtube today with Osama, I mean Obama, saying that he has visited 57 states, and he still has one more to go, not including Alaska and Hawaii. WOW, am I missing something here? I really don't mean to pick on Osama, I mean Obama, but it is so easy! Hillary, OMG (Gosh, that is), see title of blog! McCain, does he still have a pulse? I think it is a joke with the choices we have this election season. One is power hungry, one is way out of touch, and the other is just plain stupid. They all lack the one thing that I think is the most important thing they could have, the love of God. They tend to only use religion when they are trying to get a certain voting block. What has happened to the days when the love of the Lord was first, and voting populations were second? My personal favorite Ronald Reagan made his views very clear, God first, family and country second, and what happened, he won with one of the largest margins ever. During his second election, which he won by the largest margin, he won every state except Minnesota, go figure. Of course Michael Dukakis's eye brows needed trimming, but does that really matter? As I look across this incredible country, that God has so richly blessed, I cannot believe that these are the choices we have. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! But I digress.

I watched my favorite show again today, Nacho Libre. (Oooooohh!) "Did you see when the people where chearing my name, and I used my strength to rip my blouse, I felt something deep inside me." ROFL, that is funny!!! I want a pair of stretchy pants like that, so that I can wear them, in my room, just for fun. Jack Black is the man! Esceleto is for you Missy. (btw, i do expect a comment!!!) I had a friend some time ago that reminds me so much of Nacho. One of these days I am going to find out how to contact him, and show him this picture. He may want to learn my Hways.

I hope you have a great Friday. Just remember, I am taking a vacation day, so I will probably have a better day than you.


Carri said...

Have you missed me Levi???? My Internet was retarded for almost a week! I am so sorry that you have not had many comments...I can't figure out why! I must be WAY younger than you or I was just way cooler cause I have no clu what "Neo-Maxi-Zoom-Dweebie" means or where it came must be OLD!! LOL well I will be sure to comment more often, I am addicted to blogging!!

Arlene Kasselman said...

Don't be dogging my Obama, now dude!

susan said...

Levi, I just found your blog today, but apparently we are from the same generation (that's weird, I have always thought you were way younger than me...or were you just robbing the cradle when you married Shannon? :-) Anyway, way back in the day I could quote every line of that movie. "Hey Abdul, can I ball my dubage?"

Levi Knebusch said...

Well Susan, I always have some type of surpise, and yes, I robbed the cradle, and it was well worth it. Arlene, Obama is a joke as well as the other two morons up there. Vote for me, at lease I know how many states are in the Union. Plus, you may get a personal invite to stay in the Lincoln bedroom. YeeHaw!