Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beautiful Day

Howdy, howdy! My wife was reminding me all weekend long that I needed to update my blog, but I knew when I started this stupid thing that it could become an everyday event. Well, I am doing my best to keep that from happening. Beware the Blog-O-Diction!

My good friend and co-worker just came back from Jamaica today, and he brought me a bag of coffee beans. Those little squirely guys can grow some coffee! They have been sitting on my desk all day and now my office smells like Jamaican coffee, at least it doesn't smell like methane. These beans are blacker than night, and by the way they smell, I bet they pack a punch. Eventhough I don't drink very much coffee anymore, every now and then I enjoy a good cup, so these will give me something to look forward to.

I found this picture of baby, our 1 year old Lab, and I can't believe how much she has grown. She was so little when we got her that she could almost fit in my hand. Now she weighs about 60 pounds and tears everything up in our backyard, but she is a good dog other than that. She still get to come inside at night and she acts as our early warning system. I need to take her in to get her last booster for rabies, but I haven't done that yet. I will soon. By the way, those two bowls in the picture, trashed! I am getting excited about my boy Cody coming into town to visit, and we are probably going to go to Coyote creek and do some trout fishing.

Political Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was listening to the radio this morning on the way to work, and our dear friend Osama, I mean Obama, said that we supports the sharing of drug needles. Great, that is exactly what we need! Let me spend my tax dollars to purchase needles so that some idiot can get a fix. Clinton called herself a middle income American, my butt! I wish I was middle income at 300 million plus in net worth. And last but not least, McCain said that we wanted to build a fence between Mexico and the U.S., has he never heard of shovels? Again, I am thinking that Joe Blow for President sound pretty dang good right about now.

Props to the U.S. Military (capitalized on purpose), for doing a fine job, and if I were President, I would untie your hands. Unlike Darth Vader, I will never tell you, "No disintegration!". I would tell you the more the marrier.

Well, enough of the hate speech. I am sure some liberal, left wing fanatic, will have something to say about that while they cry for the color pink and the spotted owl, but can't you tell myyy fiinggersssss aarreeee shaaaakkkkinnnnng! Get a grip Levi! (Slap from wife, and baby Hudson!)


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