Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Coming Together

Well, it has been about a week and I am writing again.
My album is starting to come together. I thought that I would show you some pictures of the tools of the trade. First up are my Fender Strats. The most awesome blues guitars there are. I really don't care what anyone says. All of the kings use them except for maybe BB (King that is)! The one on the left is an MIM Strat, and the other is a John Mayer Signature. I will be using both of these on the album. I will also be using a Fender Twin Reverb unit. I wish I could affort a Two Rocks Signature, but guess what, I can't. I will also be using various effects to help color the tunes a little, but I will try to keep those to a minimum. Too many effects and you sound like you came off a Naked Eyes Video in 1987. Haha, does anyone know what famous song they sang? The second group of guitars I am going to show you are a little more specialty axes. The first is an ESP Ltd.
I use it more for hard rock and extremely overdriven sounds. The pickups in it are very hot. The second is an Ovation, which I think is one of the most beautiful guitars made. The recording is the most difficult part. I am having to learn the art of recording as well as becoming a better guitarist. I am thinking of having my daughter sing on a few tracks for me. I think that would be fun, and it would give me something to keep for a while.
I have come up with two songs so far. The first is called Cherry Soda, named after the title of a book I wrote in the 6th grade. My mother found it in some stuff she was about to pack up, and gave it to me. It is really funny. Maybe one day I will treat you to excerpts from it. I haven't named the other one yet, but I will get around to it when a name strikes me. What I really need is a drummer, or some digital drum software. That is going to be the hardest part of this whole thing. I can't drum, and the software is expensive.
Thanks to Carri for leaving me a comment. I was beginning to think that nobody was reading this crap. Hope you have a good day, and did you notice on the second photograph of the guitars, the blue paint tape near the closet. HAHA that has been there since we moved into our house over a year ago.


Heather said...

Ok, ok I'm commenting! I have to say Fenders are pretty good, but the best acoustics are Martins. Jimmy owned one once. Right now he has his eye on a Takamine Garth Brooks guitar. He also drums, plays the bass and acoustic and plays a little piano in case you ever need an extra. We tried to talk the church into letting him to the music for VBS. No dice. Oh well.

Levi Knebusch said...

I agree Heather that Martins are the best acoustics, but I cannot afford them so an Ovation will have to do for now...

Carri said...

I don't know anything about guitars but I know that they are cool! I am willing to learn to play the drums as long as I get to be on the album!!! Thanks for putting my name in the makes me feel specila!!!:)~

Carri said...