Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life is SOMETIMES like whipped cream, the harder you beat it, the better it can taste.

Family, friends, and countrymen, what is going on? I am finally updating this thing after a long break from the overwhelming blog-o-sphere.

New kid in hand, and an album cover on the way, I have been very busy. I hope you are all doing well! I am struggling to get over this stupid head cold crap. I tried putting on my guitar and strumming just a little, but I didn't get very far. I also tried to sing a little, and when I turned up the volume, I sounded like Willie Nelson in a paper bag, with a tampon shoved up his nose. Wow, did I just say that? I guess I did, but at the moment, I don't really care. I probably sound like that anyways, but you won't know until you hear my album. Anyways, I wanted everyone to get a little update on everything that is going on in my life. I almost feel like a reality TV program, except that I am not on some South Pacific island, with a buff tied around my head, running through the sand half naked, trying to be the first to light a fire. I think that maybe a run-on sentence, but again, I don't care.

First, I need to say a word about my older sister Misty. She has been very ill for the past 7 weeks, and the doctors have been unable to find anything wrong until recently. She has been poked, proded, scanned, x-rayed, and examind, and finally, they have an answer. Mono!!! Well, thanks be to God that it wasn't something very serious like cancer or some other aweful disease that could have taken her life. She has been misearable this whole time, and she is broken, but she is tough and will recover. Misty, you rock, and you'll be fine. Do I hear and Amen???

Second, but not in the least, is Hudson, my new son. Well, he throws-up a lot, and sometimes is grumpy, but hey, he is perfect, what can I say? He really is cute. God has really blessed me with some of the best looking kids around. Y'all have to admit that there are some really ugly kids out there, and those aren't mine. HAHA! Okay, if you have an ugly kid, I'm sorry, but that is just the way it is! Maybe they are like swans and will grow up to be beautiful, at least you can hope!

Third, I am not going to say much the election, but that I hope everyone gets exactly what they voted for, and for some strange reason, I think they will.

Fourth, I have been so busy at work that I can hardly see straight. We are trying to put out some new software that is replacing some older stuff that has been used for the past 9 years. Things are going relatively well, but not perfect.

Fifth, my oldest daughter turned 13 today, and OMG, I have a teenager. What the hell am I going to do now??? Well, I pray that the good Lord will give me strength!

Sixth, I finally got down to Big Bend recently, and I had a great time. I helped to put some temporary fixes on the roof, so that sometime later we can put a tin roof on it. It was a very quick trip, but well worth it. I can't wait to get back as soon as possible.

I need a beer!!!

Seventh, I finally got an iPhone, and I have to say that it is very cool. It is close to everything that people say about it, but it has its flaws also.

Eighth, Londen got shot in the eye with an airsoft gun, and she is really fighting for her eyesight right now. She has sustained some fairly serious damage to her cornea and her lens. Luckily, her retina is entact, but she has lost some of the vision in her left eye, and we are not sure to what extent she will be able to see clearly. A very special thanks goes out to Dr. John Todd Cornett and Dr. Craig Gladman. They have really both gone out of there way to see us over the weekends, and very late at night, as well as everyday over the past week. Please pray that God will heal her.

Okay, enough with the stupid counting already!

Lets talk about the album for a little while. Arlene has really helped me a lot with the overall design of the cover. Thanks a million, and yes, your name will be included in the special thanks. You may not want to be on there after you hear it, but then again, you might, so thanks anyways. Your direction and ideas have really helped me come up with something that is pretty cool. Just think that the steak scene will be our little secret! In some ways, I think Arlene is just as excited as I am about the album. Its really nice to have some real support when doing a project like this, of course shes not the only one, but she is the farthest removed from me, and one of the most active supporters I have. One of the great things about Arlene is how she really puts her heart and emotions into what she does even with something as goofy as this album.

I am including a pic of the album so let me explain a little about what you are looking at. The bottom right image is the cover and the bottom middle pic is the back. The cover is going to fold into threes, so that the bottom left is the first thing you see once to fold back the front cover. The other three images are the middle three once the album is fully open and the cd will attach to the solid black image. I am going to put something there, but that will be a suprise for the time being. I hope you guys like it, and I think that I am only going to leave it up here for a little while. There will be a few changes to it in the final rendition, as this is a little older shot of it, but it gives you an idea of what to expect. Please write me back and let me know what you think.

The songs are coming along. I have enough to finish the album, and they are all in certain stages of completion. I am starting to get excited about it again, and I think I needed just a little break. I have talked with Mark at some length about the process. For those that don't know, Mark is a coworker and friend that has recorded and produced his own album. He is the one that is ultimately responsible for setting me on this road. He has tons of knowledge and experience about it. He has told me many times, that sometimes you just have to walk away from it for a while, and let it rest, which is what I did. Thanks again Mark!!! Everything that he has told me has been correct so far, and at this point, I pretty much take him at his word, especially in regards to this. I am getting very excited!

It is funny how life sometimes takes you places you have never been. It is also strange how sometimes the way you think about things can turn on a dime when you open your heart to new things and idea. I have recently had a small change in heart in regards to the way things should be handled, without losing my beliefs and convictions. God has really blessed us with a wonderful world, and wonderful people, and it is sometimes very amazing how if you open your mind, heart, and soul, the things you can learn are unbelievable. Life is SOMETIMES like whipped cream, the harder you beat it, the better it can taste.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I am taking the liberty of using a Bushism here. I am writing this before the next blog in the series because I still haven't finished editing the one that should be before this one. HAHA, try to figure that one out!!! Actually, this one is going to be fairly short and sweet. I just wanted everyone to see the finished guitar...


Believe it or not, the stupid thing is still drying, so playing it is not really a good idea at this moment, but I sneak a few strums in here and there.

I want to take a moment and give a round of applause to my good friend Kelly Web. He has put up with tones of analness (is that a word?) from me about this and that, and fix this, is that right, I don't like this, or that sucks. I just want to say that you have done a FANTASTIC job for me, and I am looking forward to the next guitar project with you. You are awesome, and I have yet to not impress anyone who has seen the guitar in person, and on top of that, you didn't charge me a penny. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, your friend always. -Levi

Okay! Isn't it Kick Ass?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I Feel On Top Of The World

Okay, today has been one of the coolest days of my life, theoretically speaking of course. I feel like a Jr. High student going to his first dance with the crush of his short life holding his hand. Kelly Webb has finished the doodling on my guitar, and we spent part of the day doing the final sanding and buffing. The work is finally finished, and all there is to do is wait. I hate to wait. I am usually a very patient guy, but this is kinda like the first time you fell in love and you couldn't wait to kiss those precious lips. Well, it is a little sick to compare a guitar to a fine woman, but there you have it. I am so anxious to play this new guitar I can't stand it. The problem is I have to wait about 2 more weeks for the paint job to finish curing. Oh, how much I can't wait to kiss those lips. HAHA! Don't you love the metaphor?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

About to Pee My Pants

Just a very quick note! Kelly sent me this picture today and I had to post it. I am so excited I got to go to the bathroom!!!
ps. Kelly you rock!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

She ALWAYS takes my breath away!

Well, well, well! What an interesting few weeks. I am actually glad I haven't been doing this blog thing everyday. It gives me time to focus on other stuff, but I love to come back to all my screaming fans which lucky for me are all women. Life is very good. Haha!

Album update:

Other than my recent trip to Dallas, I have been working very hard on my album. I have completely finished two songs, and have added major parts to two others. I feel I need to let you guys into my world of writing to explain this next statement. I have written two other songs but I have no music for them, and that is a very bad thing. Every song writer has there own way of doing their "magic", but mine goes something like this: I sit down, turn the recorder on, and play. I play old songs, new songs, and everything in between. I then sit back and listen to all that crap and see if there is anything I can use. Sometimes I find something I like, and play with it for a while. After I come up with a melody, I write words to fit what is being played. A lot of times, it turns into something completely different from what it started as, and through all of that lies the problem, I have the words and no music. It is a big ordeal for me to write music to fit words, it is much easier to write words to music, so I don't know what to do now. Maybe it will just come to me as an epiphany, anyways! I will probably have to change some of the words to fit whatever music I can come up with, but I really hate to do that.

I have to admit something, this is somewhat of an edited blog. I wrote one while on my trip to Dallas, and it contained some hidden messages to someone who is very special to me, but I have chosen not to include those thoughts in this blog. Lets just settle on this one thing: there are people who sometimes grow into certain roles in life because of various reasons, but I think it is important to realize that sometimes those roles are not good for anybody. They certainly don't do anything good for people around them, and they tend to hurt the individuals themselves. Living in seclusion and fear is one of the most dangerous and troubling things one can choose to live in. Sometimes you have realize that no one person can do it alone, and self-reliance is the death of relationships, the very heart of what makes this world turn. Okay on to something a little more important, my refinished guitar, well almost.

Went to a promo signing at Charley's Guitar Shop, in Dallas. What a place! They have some of the coolest toys in there. Charley's has a history of servicing the likes of Stevie Ray Vaughn and other guitar gods that happen through Dallas. I bit on a 1958 Fender Stratocaster and almost broke my teeth. That guitar was bleeding coolness. Speaking of guitars, my Monterey Pop Strat replica is almost finished. The sad part is that it will take 30 days to cure once we get the final coat on it. That is a long time to wait until I can play it again, but if I handle it too much before it completely dries, I could ruin the paint job. My buddy Kelly sent me these pictures today:

The guitar body will also have some doodling artwork on it that matches the face plate, but my arteest friend started with the face, and so that is cool with me. He is doing a great job for a first time guitar refinishing job.

I have to say, that my boy Kevin and his new bride seem to be doing well. Congrats on the wedding and I pray that you are able to enjoy a long and wonderful life together. I really enjoyed visiting with my friends in Dallas. As most of you guys know, I hate Dallas. The weather is hot and worst of all humid. I feel like I need to take a shower as soon as I walk outside. Here in the wonderful city of Amarillo, Texas, it is hot also, but there is little to no humidity. You don't feel like choking in the middle of summer, but I have to say I miss some of the people dearly. I enjoy visiting with Gail, Sheri, Kevin, Kyle, Tim, Lettia (hope I spelled that right), and I usually am able to visit with Cliff, but as fate would have it, he is in Iraq, helping to rebuild a nation. My prayers are with you Cliff and we all await you safe return. Cody and Jana were able to be at the wedding as well, and I love them to death. Cody shares in my passion for music, and we were able to visit at great length on everything from recording, to guitars. I have to confess something now. I think in some ways, I am changing from a right brain to a left brain. As most of you know, I am a very conservative person. I take personal responsibility very seriously, and even though I concider myself a very giving person, I still believe that most people are strong enough to overcome great obsticales, and if they can't, the good Lord can. Sometimes the good Lord moves me to secretly aid those who are truely struggling with issues. I don't say this for applause, and maybe I shouldn't say it at all, but I don't want to come across as a person who has no empathy, sympathy, or compassion for those less fortunate than myself. I have been given a lot, and I feel like I owe a lot. This twisted thinking has started to change my music in ways that I never thought possible. I am probably one of the most analytical people you will ever meet, but in regards to music, that is not always a good thing. I have noticed that during my playing, I do things that "break" the rules of music. I studied a little music while in college, and you would be amazed at the number of rules there are concerning music theory. Most casual listeners would know a broken rule in music as a "sour note", but there are some rules that are not as audible, but are just as important. These are the rules that I find myself breaking. These types of illegalities(sp?) are starting to move from right brain to left brain. VERY SCARY!!! But no worries, Regan is still king in my book, and OMG did you see Osama, I mean Obama, kiss Billary the other day? I thought I was going to puke from both the basement and chimney. I love you Arlene!!!!

Family Stop: My baby angel has fallen asleep in my arms tonight while I am writing this, and so I thought it would be appropriate to include a picture of her all dolled up. She is so beautiful she ALWAYS takes my breath away:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Corn As A Gift?

A friend commented to me that "I just started" (recording the album), and well that is not entirely accurate. I actually have about 6 songs in various stages of completion. Some need refining, while others have no bass, or drums, and still others have no lyrics. I will need about 13-14 songs to fill the album.

Warning: Deep thoughts follow!

This week has been interesting to me. Like a rollercoaster, it has had its ups and downs, as well as a flood of emotions, that have really help my creativity.

After hearing from old friends and loved ones that are struggling to find their way in this life and dealing with personal issues. I comparing those to my children that really have no idea what life is about and it has really helped to trigger emotions that I am so good at keeping at bay as well as some that I have trouble dealing with. I know it is really not a healthy thing, but I am not a very emotional person, at least outwardly. Inwardly, my life is a whirlwind, and I find that song and poetry are a good way to deliver those. The older I get, the more those emotions struggle to get free, and my inner battle rages like a forest fire. But as I sit back and reflect, I am left feeling that God is working harder in my life than ever. This album is really an emotional out-pouring for me, it will contain joy and pain, weakness and strength, hope and faith, and love and loss.

As with most songs, the true meanings are a little cryptic, as to protect the intimate source, but straight forward enough to allow listeners to project there own life and experiences into it. As an example, "Every Breath You Take", by the Police is actually about a stalker, but the masses have embraced it as a love song. Sting noted that he really was impressed that people can project there own meanings into that song that completely changes the original purpose of it. This is a little of what I hope to accomplish with this journey. Many people have shaped my life, some in good ways, and others in terrible ways, but the sum of all fears is what can I do with all of that: who do I need to forgive, and who do I need forgiveness from, whom can I love, and how can I teach, and most importantly, will I accept the instruction given to me? I can be a very cynical(sp?) person, thus it is hard for a lot of people to take me seriously. Sometimes it is very difficult to let go and let someone else drive for a while, but we all get sleepy at the wheel and I am tired!

This album is for me, by me, and to me. Of course I hope others enjoy it, but I am not looking at becoming a star, and honestly, it will probably suck to most people. I don't want to live under delusions of grandure, and I really could care less if others hate it, but if there is one person that I can share with, who can use the songs to reflect in there own life, than just maybe, I will achieve my goal.

I am thankful that there are so many people who enjoy sharing in my life. I have even had comments from people that just find it amuzing, and that is great. I excel at being a little corney, and maybe that is my gift, but with corn prices being so high, I have learned that I own a very valuable commodity.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Remember The Blue

Hello, Hello, Hello! I wish there was a way to write in a British accent. It sounds a lot better. I have just about finished one of the songs on the album, the title is "I Remember the Blue". Before you ask what the song is about, well that is personal, and you will have to wait to hear the song when it is released. I still have to lay a drum track for it, and if anyone knows a real drummer, please let me know. If I can't find one, I will have to do some stupid electronic thing or loop a drum track via the computer. Drum machines bite, but if you are in my position, it may be the only option. I have also been toying around with titles for the album. I have come up with a few, but I really need it to capture the mood or general feeling of the album.

I know it is rather corney, but I am really betting excited about this album thing. My boy John Mayer used the term "Hellistoked", while playing at Red Rock, and I think it fits here. The really funny thing is that I have done everything under the noses of my wife and children, and they really have no idea what is really going on. I still want to write a song that my daughter can perform with me. She is such a great vocalist! If she would branch just a little farther out than Hip Hop, she could really work those pipes into something special.
I talked with a really good friend of mine today from Dallas. I have known him for over 19 years now, and he is doing great. He and his wife are about to have there second child. Chris, I told you I would get you a picture of the squids, so I will just post it here. This was actually taken last year, but do you have any idea how difficult it is to get all the kids to look at a camera, much less smile. Britton still looks like he is taking a dump, and Gracyn has no clue, but it is a descent picture anyways, and no that is not a mustach on my face. It is actually a goat, but the light sucks, I should have just gotten another pic but this will have to do for now.
Political Alert!!!!!
The stupid democrate primaries are over! Can I get a whooo, whooo? Who won? Who cares!
My kids are outside in the hot tube, of course it was over 100 degrees today, but that doesn't phase them at all. I guess its not that different than being outside. Well, I had better get to bed. It is about 11:40 and I am reaching here, so tune in, turn on, drop out, and if you can, get some.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Cool Ones

Well, I have finally made up my mind, and I am going to repaint one of my guitars. I have been struggling over what to do with it. In some aspects, I guess, less is more, but I want something that really looks cool, and plays well. I guess I could go and spend $1500.00 on a guitar that looks like every other one, or as a matter of badassness (sorry for the French!!!), I thought I would pay respect to one of the kings of guitars, Jimi Hendrix. Although I could never actually play like him, he was an inovator(sp?), and could play like crazy. I actually saw the guitar before I new it was a Hendrix copy, and liked it. I am including a picture of it for your viewing pleasure -I am all about that! Anyways, repainting a guitar is not as easy as picking up some Krylon as Walmart and having a new guitar an hour later.

After doing some research, I found out that Fender actually uses Ford and GM automotive paints for their colors. As luck would have it, I have a friend that works for an autobody repair shop and he has a professional pain gun. How awesome is that? Now it is just a matter of getting the colors and stripping the old guitar of its black finish. Unfortunately, I have to use aircraft paint remover to remove the current finish, that sucks!

Pause - sipping an adult beverage......

The next step is to resurface the guitar and paint the base coat of "Fiest Red". Then, an "Alpine White" is painted across the top of the guitar. After sanding, buffing and touch ups, the guitar is ready to go to the artist who will hand paint the eclectic lines and images. Finally, it goes back to the car guy to receive 3-4 clear coats with sanding and buffing between each coat. Magically, after about a week of work and drying, it returns to me in all its glory. This is one of the cool ones!

Just a little history, this is the same guitar that Hendrix play during the Monterey Pop Festival (1967), and subsequintly light on fire, then smashed all over the stage (what an idiot)!

You are welcome Carri for the mention.

I have figured out that constant ramblin for the Blog-O-Sphere is really a difficult thing, or should I say it is not as easy as I thought? By the way, the Neo-Maxi thing is from the Breakfast Club, one of the essential movies of the 80's. Today is Friday and I don't really feel like being at work today, but God is good and at least I have a job.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Coming Together

Well, it has been about a week and I am writing again.
My album is starting to come together. I thought that I would show you some pictures of the tools of the trade. First up are my Fender Strats. The most awesome blues guitars there are. I really don't care what anyone says. All of the kings use them except for maybe BB (King that is)! The one on the left is an MIM Strat, and the other is a John Mayer Signature. I will be using both of these on the album. I will also be using a Fender Twin Reverb unit. I wish I could affort a Two Rocks Signature, but guess what, I can't. I will also be using various effects to help color the tunes a little, but I will try to keep those to a minimum. Too many effects and you sound like you came off a Naked Eyes Video in 1987. Haha, does anyone know what famous song they sang? The second group of guitars I am going to show you are a little more specialty axes. The first is an ESP Ltd.
I use it more for hard rock and extremely overdriven sounds. The pickups in it are very hot. The second is an Ovation, which I think is one of the most beautiful guitars made. The recording is the most difficult part. I am having to learn the art of recording as well as becoming a better guitarist. I am thinking of having my daughter sing on a few tracks for me. I think that would be fun, and it would give me something to keep for a while.
I have come up with two songs so far. The first is called Cherry Soda, named after the title of a book I wrote in the 6th grade. My mother found it in some stuff she was about to pack up, and gave it to me. It is really funny. Maybe one day I will treat you to excerpts from it. I haven't named the other one yet, but I will get around to it when a name strikes me. What I really need is a drummer, or some digital drum software. That is going to be the hardest part of this whole thing. I can't drum, and the software is expensive.
Thanks to Carri for leaving me a comment. I was beginning to think that nobody was reading this crap. Hope you have a good day, and did you notice on the second photograph of the guitars, the blue paint tape near the closet. HAHA that has been there since we moved into our house over a year ago.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


If you know what the term above means, or where it came from then you are my kind of person, or at least we grew up in the same generation. Any guesses out there in Blog-O-Readeramia? If you can't tell, I am fishing for comments. I know that is some people out there that have something to say, so say it already.

Political Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw today a video on youtube today with Osama, I mean Obama, saying that he has visited 57 states, and he still has one more to go, not including Alaska and Hawaii. WOW, am I missing something here? I really don't mean to pick on Osama, I mean Obama, but it is so easy! Hillary, OMG (Gosh, that is), see title of blog! McCain, does he still have a pulse? I think it is a joke with the choices we have this election season. One is power hungry, one is way out of touch, and the other is just plain stupid. They all lack the one thing that I think is the most important thing they could have, the love of God. They tend to only use religion when they are trying to get a certain voting block. What has happened to the days when the love of the Lord was first, and voting populations were second? My personal favorite Ronald Reagan made his views very clear, God first, family and country second, and what happened, he won with one of the largest margins ever. During his second election, which he won by the largest margin, he won every state except Minnesota, go figure. Of course Michael Dukakis's eye brows needed trimming, but does that really matter? As I look across this incredible country, that God has so richly blessed, I cannot believe that these are the choices we have. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! But I digress.

I watched my favorite show again today, Nacho Libre. (Oooooohh!) "Did you see when the people where chearing my name, and I used my strength to rip my blouse, I felt something deep inside me." ROFL, that is funny!!! I want a pair of stretchy pants like that, so that I can wear them, in my room, just for fun. Jack Black is the man! Esceleto is for you Missy. (btw, i do expect a comment!!!) I had a friend some time ago that reminds me so much of Nacho. One of these days I am going to find out how to contact him, and show him this picture. He may want to learn my Hways.

I hope you have a great Friday. Just remember, I am taking a vacation day, so I will probably have a better day than you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beautiful Day

Howdy, howdy! My wife was reminding me all weekend long that I needed to update my blog, but I knew when I started this stupid thing that it could become an everyday event. Well, I am doing my best to keep that from happening. Beware the Blog-O-Diction!

My good friend and co-worker just came back from Jamaica today, and he brought me a bag of coffee beans. Those little squirely guys can grow some coffee! They have been sitting on my desk all day and now my office smells like Jamaican coffee, at least it doesn't smell like methane. These beans are blacker than night, and by the way they smell, I bet they pack a punch. Eventhough I don't drink very much coffee anymore, every now and then I enjoy a good cup, so these will give me something to look forward to.

I found this picture of baby, our 1 year old Lab, and I can't believe how much she has grown. She was so little when we got her that she could almost fit in my hand. Now she weighs about 60 pounds and tears everything up in our backyard, but she is a good dog other than that. She still get to come inside at night and she acts as our early warning system. I need to take her in to get her last booster for rabies, but I haven't done that yet. I will soon. By the way, those two bowls in the picture, trashed! I am getting excited about my boy Cody coming into town to visit, and we are probably going to go to Coyote creek and do some trout fishing.

Political Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was listening to the radio this morning on the way to work, and our dear friend Osama, I mean Obama, said that we supports the sharing of drug needles. Great, that is exactly what we need! Let me spend my tax dollars to purchase needles so that some idiot can get a fix. Clinton called herself a middle income American, my butt! I wish I was middle income at 300 million plus in net worth. And last but not least, McCain said that we wanted to build a fence between Mexico and the U.S., has he never heard of shovels? Again, I am thinking that Joe Blow for President sound pretty dang good right about now.

Props to the U.S. Military (capitalized on purpose), for doing a fine job, and if I were President, I would untie your hands. Unlike Darth Vader, I will never tell you, "No disintegration!". I would tell you the more the marrier.

Well, enough of the hate speech. I am sure some liberal, left wing fanatic, will have something to say about that while they cry for the color pink and the spotted owl, but can't you tell myyy fiinggersssss aarreeee shaaaakkkkinnnnng! Get a grip Levi! (Slap from wife, and baby Hudson!)


Friday, May 9, 2008


Howdy everyone! I am just sitting here looking outside and I need to get out. I was looking at some pictures and ran across this one of Britton and me, and I want to go trout fishing again. We had such a good time on this trip. My best bud Tommy took us to Coyote Creek, NM, and we had a blast. As you can see, I got a little sun burned, but it was well worth it. I need to go back. I also need to go back to Big Bend, which is probably my most favorite place. I love the dry, hot, high desert, but the drive is pretty long so I don't get to go as much as I would like. Maybe I will be able to go in the next month or so.

I would also like to do some elk hunting this year. Maybe my wealthy uncle will split for a trip to Montana or Wyoming this year, NOT! I guess you never know though, maybe I will luck out.

We just got our hot tub fixed today, there was a leak in one of the pumps, so who knows how much that is going to cost, but hopefully the kids will enjoy having it again to play in.

I just talked with my boy Cody from Searcy, AR, and he and his family are coming to visit in July. I thought maybe that would be a good time to go to Coyote Creek. Called Tommy and he is up for that so I think we are down for that. If should be perfect weather for us and hopefully the trout will be biting. We did pretty well the last time we were out there. I think we caught 26 the first day, which was plenty for our meal that night. I tell you one thing, Tommy can cook almost anything. We like to get together and try different things, and Tommy has taught me a lot. Sometime you need to try our steaks. They ROCK so hard you feel like you are getting spanked for the first time, and that ain't always a bad thing. We also excel in stuffed jalopenos, texas stuffed shrimp, grilled shrimp, dove, chicken fried rice, chicken fried steak, and an arsenal of desserts that will make you cry they are so good. Tommy has a recipe for a glaze sauce that I think we need to bottle. Sorry, trade secret!
Props to my boy Cody for the pee-bug comment on Facebook, too funny.
It is funny to sit here and watch drunks and crack addicts out my window. Although it is actually sad, because most of these people have no hope, it is amusing to watch them. We have a few pics of the "Queen of 6th Street", whom is a lady that came out of the bar around the corner, shed all of her cloths except for bra and panties, and the proceeded to get in a fight with 2 other people who were working in there yard. I hope she made it home okay. Well enough ranting for one day. I have some work that needs to be finished. CYA!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Blog-o-Sphere

Well, here is part 2. After talking with some friends today, I found out that some people actually read these things. As of today, I am officially joining the "Blog-o-Sphere". What a load of crap!!! but it does sound good. I have two children that are sick and vomiting from both the chimney and the basement (thanks to Greg Dowell for the images). Anyways, on to more important things.

I think I would like to run for President of the United States, and I think my campaign platform should be named, "Vote for Joe Blow, Clinton Did!" Anyways, I think it would be a lot of fun, and my friends would probably like it also. You know, parties in the Lincoln Bedroom, cocktails in the Oval Office, it would be great. I have to admit that I would get rid of the Easter Egg roll, that just sounds stupid to me, and we could replace it with egg the Congress. Now that would be fun. We could also play Pin the Tail on the Speaker. Another game I thought of is the House Cryer hunt. I think that is what they call that guy that yells, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States", at the beginning of the State of the Union Address, anyways we could hide him and let the children try to find him. How funny would that be? I know that I would sun tan on the west lawn in a pair of Speedos, with huge sunglasses that are all the rage. I would look like a balding Nicole Ritchie(sp?) but with bad skin. That is just wrong.

I have to take a second and give props to my daughter Gracyn for mustering up the courage to address her teacher as "Hello, Newman!" coined from Seinfeld. Of course I had to pay her off with a chocolate bar, but it was well worth it. Sorry Heather!!!

Well, I guess I should get back to work.
Luv Ya!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Oh No! Not again!

I swore to myself that I would never do this blogging thing. It has become such a buzz habit for some people that it is mundane at best. Add to that, the fact I have been around computers for more than twenty years, and you have yourself a one stop horror shop for writing on the net. But what the hell? Sometimes I have nothing better to do than to sit and ramble on about nothing of great value, political wise, and german sausage. It also seems that people are so bored with there own lives that they feed off of reading about others. Well, here is your chance to feed off of me for a while.

I thought I would start with my love for music. I have been playing the guitar for some time now, I guess more than twenty years, but I have only been taking it seriously for about 2 years now. My wife and kids are always complaining that I listen to songs over and over again to the point they go crazy, but oh well, that is how I learn. I am actually working on an album right now. My good friend Mark Frick who ownes his own label and does his own recording, turned me on the very cool world of computer based recording studios. He was gracious enough to give me some software and I love it. It allows me to sit at my home and record ideas, sounds, and samples into the computer and edit them on my own time.

Lately I have been having a fascination with blues, both old and new. I have been pouring through Eric Clapton, John Mayer, SRV, Jack Johnson, and the like. It is strange to me that I can find so much meaning in the simplest of sounds, odd musical phrasing, or what seems to be petty lyrics, but I have found that blues music really speaks to me. So, I think my first album will be bluesy. Ha! There you have it.