New kid in hand, and an album cover on the way, I have been very busy. I hope you are all doing well! I am struggling to get over this stupid head cold crap. I tried putting on my guitar and strumming just a little, but I didn't get very far. I also tried to sing a little, and when I turned up the volume, I sounded like Willie Nelson in a paper bag, with a tampon shoved up his nose. Wow, did I just say that? I guess I did, but at the moment, I don't really care. I probably sound like that anyways, but you won't know until you hear my album. Anyways, I wanted everyone to get a little update on everything that is going on in my life. I almost feel like a reality TV program, except that I am not on some South Pacific island, with a buff tied around my head, running through the sand half naked, trying to be the first to light a fire. I think that maybe a run-on sentence, but again, I don't care.
First, I need to say a word about my older sister Misty. She has been very ill for the past 7 weeks, and the doctors have been unable to find anything wrong until recently. She has been poked, proded, scanned, x-rayed, and examind, and finally, they have an answer. Mono!!! Well, thanks be to God that it wasn't something very serious like cancer or some other aweful disease that could have taken her life. She has been misearable this whole time, and she is broken, but she is tough and will recover. Misty, you rock, and you'll be fine. Do I hear and Amen???
Second, but not in the least, is Hudson, my new son. Well, he throws-up a lot, and sometimes is grumpy, but hey, he is perfect, what can I say? He really is cute. God has really blessed me with some of the best looking kids around. Y'all have to admit that there are some really ugly kids out there, and those aren't mine. HAHA! Okay, if you have an ugly kid, I'm sorry, but that is just the way it is! Maybe they are like swans and will grow up to be beautiful, at least you can hope!
Third, I am not going to say much the election, but that I hope everyone gets exactly what they voted for, and for some strange reason, I think they will.
Fourth, I have been so busy at work that I can hardly see straight. We are trying to put out some new software that is replacing some older stuff that has been used for the past 9 years. Things are going relatively well, but not perfect.
Fifth, my oldest daughter turned 13 today, and OMG, I have a teenager. What the hell am I going to do now??? Well, I pray that the good Lord will give me strength!
Sixth, I finally got down to Big Bend recently, and I had a great time. I helped to put some temporary fixes on the roof, so that sometime later we can put a tin roof on it. It was a very quick trip, but well worth it. I can't wait to get back as soon as possible.
I need a beer!!!
Seventh, I finally got an iPhone, and I have to say that it is very cool. It is close to everything that people say about it, but it has its flaws also.

Eighth, Londen got shot in the eye with an airsoft gun, and she is really fighting for her eyesight right now. She has sustained some fairly serious damage to her cornea and her lens. Luckily, her retina is entact, but she has lost some of the vision in her left eye, and we are not sure to what extent she will be able to see clearly. A very special thanks goes out to Dr. John Todd Cornett and Dr. Craig Gladman. They have really both gone out of there way to see us over the weekends, and very late at night, as well as everyday over the past week. Please pray that God will heal her.
Okay, enough with the stupid counting already!
Lets talk about the album for a little while. Arlene has really helped me a lot with the overall design of the cover. Thanks a million, and yes, your name will be included in the special thanks. You may not want to be on there after you hear it, but then again, you might, so thanks anyways. Your direction and ideas have really helped me come up with something that is pretty cool. Just think that the steak scene will be our little secret! In some ways, I think Arlene is just as excited as I am about the album. Its really nice to have some real support when doing a project like this, of course shes not the only one, but she is the farthest removed from me, and one of the most active supporters I have. One of the great things about Arlene is how she really puts her heart and emotions into what she does even with something as goofy as this album.
The songs are coming along. I have enough to finish the album, and they are all in certain stages of completion. I am starting to get excited about it again, and I think I needed just a little break. I have talked with Mark at some length about the process. For those that don't know, Mark is a coworker and friend that has recorded and produced his own album. He is the one that is ultimately responsible for setting me on this road. He has tons of knowledge and experience about it. He has told me many times, that sometimes you just have to walk away from it for a while, and let it rest, which is what I did. Thanks again Mark!!! Everything that he has told me has been correct so far, and at this point, I pretty much take him at his word, especially in regards to this. I am getting very excited!
It is funny how life sometimes takes you places you have never been. It is also strange how sometimes the way you think about things can turn on a dime when you open your heart to new things and idea. I have recently had a small change in heart in regards to the way things should be handled, without losing my beliefs and convictions. God has really blessed us with a wonderful world, and wonderful people, and it is sometimes very amazing how if you open your mind, heart, and soul, the things you can learn are unbelievable. Life is SOMETIMES like whipped cream, the harder you beat it, the better it can taste.
Great to have a new post to read!
Londen is very close to our hearts right now - just know that we are all praying!
Okay but here's the deal - your final paragraph of this blog post maybe the exact thing we need for the open panel on the cover. I love what you wrote!!!!!
If you keep beating, the whipped cream turns to butter.
But that's beside the point. I'll listen to the album when its out, if only on the basis of the cover.
--emily d.
Those really were great words in that last paragraph. Nice to see a new post. I will be praying for Londen! Please, please let us know if we can do anything at all!!! A meal, a babysitter, whatever. I can't wait to hear your album!
Well, it's probably safe to say that we all like butter, but honestly I have never whipped cream long enough to find out!
Ok, Levi I am commenting! Now I REALLY expect to see an updated album cover......with my name on it!
you need to update!!!!
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