Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Ole Phone in the Toilet Trick

Hello fans! Hope everyone is having a great New Year. I am just trying to keep my head above water with personal issues and severe writers block. I am struggling just to come up with new ideas, let alone the ability to play them. I guess this is somewhat normal, but it really, really sucks! I would have thought that my personal issues would have aided in my ability to write. Blues is such an emotional type of music, that strong emotions tend to lend a hand when being creative, but in this case, NOT SO MUCH!

Facebook is a crazy thing!!! Can I get an Amen? I have been reconnected with tones of people from my past, and it is really great to hear from them. Most of them remember things about me and situations that I have completely forgotten about. It almost never fails that the first thing out of there mouths is, "your writing and album?" And the second question is one of these, "can I get a copy?" or "are they on myspace?" Well, here is the answer, NO! First of all, its not finished yet. Second, my producer hasn't even heard them yet, and third, when I finish, I will send a copy to those who I told I would, and the rest will have to buy one. That brings up another topic, expectations.

I am really hoping that all of my friends, both past and present, former classmates, co-workers, etc, understand that this album is not an attempt at a grammy nomination. Trust me, I am no Stevie Ray Vaughn or John Mayer. I am me, with a very tight budget, a guitar, and my fingers. My fingers don't move the same way they used to, but they move. If you read any of my earlier blogs, you will understand that this album is for me and by me. If you like it, great! Buy a copy for your kids. I promise there is nothing overt, pornographic, or diragetory(sp? sorry, i went to public schools), but it is a little dirtier than Hanna Montana! If you don't like it, at least use it a coaster on your coffee tables so that when you have guests over, you can tell them that your friend/former classmate/co-worker recorded it, and its great! HAHA! Do NOT let your teething infant chew on it, because if it breaks and your baby cuts his/her mouth, I am not liable.

If you have an good song ideas, please send them my way. If I use it, I will put it on the album along with your credits, and if I make any money on the thing I will send some your way.

Over the weekend, my daughter "accidently" dropped her cell phone in the toilet. Of cource it no longer works, and she started to cry. She is usually very responsible so I really didn't come down on her. She was pretty hard on herself, but I told her that I had insurance on it, and I called and they sent a new one out. Here is the funny thing. I can't help but think, somewhere in the back of my mind that she maybe, just a little, did it on purpose. You know, the old phone in the toilet trick, well her new one came in today, and it is smaller and crappier than the old one, so forgive me, but I have to laugh!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Man I love being a dad!

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