Hello, Hello, Hello! I wish there was a way to write in a British accent. It sounds a lot better. I have just about finished one of the songs on the album, the title is "I Remember the Blue". Before you ask what the song is about, well that is personal, and you will have to wait to hear the song when it is released. I still have to lay a drum track for it, and if anyone knows a real drummer, please let me know. If I can't find one, I will have to do some stupid electronic thing or loop a drum track via the computer. Drum machines bite, but if you are in my position, it may be the only option. I have also been toying around with titles for the album. I have come up with a few, but I really need it to capture the mood or general feeling of the album.
I know it is rather corney, but I am really betting excited about this album thing. My boy John Mayer used the term "Hellistoked", while playing at Red Rock, and I think it fits here. The really funny thing is that I have done everything under the noses of my wife and children, and they really have no idea what is really going on. I still want to write a song that my daughter can perform with me. She is such a great vocalist! If she would branch just a little farther out than Hip Hop, she could really work those pipes into something special.
Political Alert!!!!!
The stupid democrate primaries are over! Can I get a whooo, whooo? Who won? Who cares!
My kids are outside in the hot tube, of course it was over 100 degrees today, but that doesn't phase them at all. I guess its not that different than being outside. Well, I had better get to bed. It is about 11:40 and I am reaching here, so tune in, turn on, drop out, and if you can, get some.
Levi, I told you I would learn to play the drums for you! I love the pic of the family....is there any room for another? :)~ O"yeah where is the mention of my name in the post...I am sure I just missed it LOL
Hi I'm Shannon's friend from K.U. Anyway have you thought about putting your daughter in vocal lessons. I was a music major @ Amarillo College and from what I recall they give private lessons. They have a great program. You can contact Jim Roucher about it. He is the head of the music dept.
Levi you need to put one of your songs on the blog for all of us to get an idea of what you are talking about. We want to hear you play.
I would do that, but I haven't found out how yet. I figured out how to put videos on here, but not sound clips, and trust me you don't want to see any of my videos(ROFL). If you know how, send me a post.
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