I HATE TAKING PHOTOS, but here are a few more from the second shoot. These are going to be a little more personal and less abstract I think. I am trying to get the layout of the cover with some of these new photo's, so let me know what you guys think.

Black and white's seem to be pretty popular. I just wonder is sometimes they are used too much. Seems like everytime I look around, people are doing black and white. What a hypocrite I am, my stupid shirt is black and white. HAHAHAHAH Oh well!
I think one of the funniest things in the world is trying to figure out just what people are thinking when you get pictures like this made. I was trying to be very cognizant of that when I took these. Twyla would say, "Look that way!", and I would give her some stupid pose reminiscent of Gone With the Wind. With the one below, I was actual watching people watching me. They were
walking by and driving by probably thinking, "What the hell?". I was looking at them thinking, "What the hell?" It was too freakin funny. There were these two guys that walked by with baggy jeans hanging around there ankles, and they stopped and stared for a minute, and asked, "What kind of music do you play?" At first I thought to myself..."maybe I should say Brittany Spears meets Frank Zappa", but then it dawned on me that they probably wouldn't even know who Frank Zappa is/was. So, I yelled, "Blues!" One of the guys stuck his thumb up in the air and yelled, "Cool Daddy!". At that moment, I couldn't figure out if they were saying that I was old, but it was cool anyways, or if the term Daddy was making a second pass in our vernacular. Either way it was fun and I had a great time. If I ever get ballsy enough, I might put my "Blue Steel" pose on here for y'all. hahah, NOT!!!

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