Sunday, June 29, 2008

She ALWAYS takes my breath away!

Well, well, well! What an interesting few weeks. I am actually glad I haven't been doing this blog thing everyday. It gives me time to focus on other stuff, but I love to come back to all my screaming fans which lucky for me are all women. Life is very good. Haha!

Album update:

Other than my recent trip to Dallas, I have been working very hard on my album. I have completely finished two songs, and have added major parts to two others. I feel I need to let you guys into my world of writing to explain this next statement. I have written two other songs but I have no music for them, and that is a very bad thing. Every song writer has there own way of doing their "magic", but mine goes something like this: I sit down, turn the recorder on, and play. I play old songs, new songs, and everything in between. I then sit back and listen to all that crap and see if there is anything I can use. Sometimes I find something I like, and play with it for a while. After I come up with a melody, I write words to fit what is being played. A lot of times, it turns into something completely different from what it started as, and through all of that lies the problem, I have the words and no music. It is a big ordeal for me to write music to fit words, it is much easier to write words to music, so I don't know what to do now. Maybe it will just come to me as an epiphany, anyways! I will probably have to change some of the words to fit whatever music I can come up with, but I really hate to do that.

I have to admit something, this is somewhat of an edited blog. I wrote one while on my trip to Dallas, and it contained some hidden messages to someone who is very special to me, but I have chosen not to include those thoughts in this blog. Lets just settle on this one thing: there are people who sometimes grow into certain roles in life because of various reasons, but I think it is important to realize that sometimes those roles are not good for anybody. They certainly don't do anything good for people around them, and they tend to hurt the individuals themselves. Living in seclusion and fear is one of the most dangerous and troubling things one can choose to live in. Sometimes you have realize that no one person can do it alone, and self-reliance is the death of relationships, the very heart of what makes this world turn. Okay on to something a little more important, my refinished guitar, well almost.

Went to a promo signing at Charley's Guitar Shop, in Dallas. What a place! They have some of the coolest toys in there. Charley's has a history of servicing the likes of Stevie Ray Vaughn and other guitar gods that happen through Dallas. I bit on a 1958 Fender Stratocaster and almost broke my teeth. That guitar was bleeding coolness. Speaking of guitars, my Monterey Pop Strat replica is almost finished. The sad part is that it will take 30 days to cure once we get the final coat on it. That is a long time to wait until I can play it again, but if I handle it too much before it completely dries, I could ruin the paint job. My buddy Kelly sent me these pictures today:

The guitar body will also have some doodling artwork on it that matches the face plate, but my arteest friend started with the face, and so that is cool with me. He is doing a great job for a first time guitar refinishing job.

I have to say, that my boy Kevin and his new bride seem to be doing well. Congrats on the wedding and I pray that you are able to enjoy a long and wonderful life together. I really enjoyed visiting with my friends in Dallas. As most of you guys know, I hate Dallas. The weather is hot and worst of all humid. I feel like I need to take a shower as soon as I walk outside. Here in the wonderful city of Amarillo, Texas, it is hot also, but there is little to no humidity. You don't feel like choking in the middle of summer, but I have to say I miss some of the people dearly. I enjoy visiting with Gail, Sheri, Kevin, Kyle, Tim, Lettia (hope I spelled that right), and I usually am able to visit with Cliff, but as fate would have it, he is in Iraq, helping to rebuild a nation. My prayers are with you Cliff and we all await you safe return. Cody and Jana were able to be at the wedding as well, and I love them to death. Cody shares in my passion for music, and we were able to visit at great length on everything from recording, to guitars. I have to confess something now. I think in some ways, I am changing from a right brain to a left brain. As most of you know, I am a very conservative person. I take personal responsibility very seriously, and even though I concider myself a very giving person, I still believe that most people are strong enough to overcome great obsticales, and if they can't, the good Lord can. Sometimes the good Lord moves me to secretly aid those who are truely struggling with issues. I don't say this for applause, and maybe I shouldn't say it at all, but I don't want to come across as a person who has no empathy, sympathy, or compassion for those less fortunate than myself. I have been given a lot, and I feel like I owe a lot. This twisted thinking has started to change my music in ways that I never thought possible. I am probably one of the most analytical people you will ever meet, but in regards to music, that is not always a good thing. I have noticed that during my playing, I do things that "break" the rules of music. I studied a little music while in college, and you would be amazed at the number of rules there are concerning music theory. Most casual listeners would know a broken rule in music as a "sour note", but there are some rules that are not as audible, but are just as important. These are the rules that I find myself breaking. These types of illegalities(sp?) are starting to move from right brain to left brain. VERY SCARY!!! But no worries, Regan is still king in my book, and OMG did you see Osama, I mean Obama, kiss Billary the other day? I thought I was going to puke from both the basement and chimney. I love you Arlene!!!!

Family Stop: My baby angel has fallen asleep in my arms tonight while I am writing this, and so I thought it would be appropriate to include a picture of her all dolled up. She is so beautiful she ALWAYS takes my breath away:


Heather said...

Awww - she is precious. I have another great picture of her from VBS.

Arlene Kasselman said...

Yes, and I love you too Levi ---- we are a pure example of what can happen in Christ...unity in diversity (choke, choke) :-)